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The Great Food Waste Challenge

Let's End Food Waste

Join The Great Food Waste Challenge

The Great Food Waste Challenge is a global challenge asking people to virtually raise their hand and say YES! Count me in! 

Join our Facebook Group:

Ends+Stems Facebook Group

The Inaugural Challenge

This year is the inaugural challenge, we kicked off on 1/1/2019 with all of the other good intentioned resolution makers, but the GFWC is still going strong! At present have hundreds of participants representing 8 countries and 19 states. Can we get all 50 States before the end of the year? You can help by sharing this page (one click?) on your social media accounts! Are you in college? The Students for a Sustainable Stanford ran the challenge for Earth Day and #StopFoodWasteDay email us at for school logo pins and to get your Food Waste Activist in a Box.

Great Food Waste Challenge
Great Food Waste Challenge

Students for A Sustainable Stanford hosted the Great Food Waste Challenge on
Earth Day and #StopFoodWasteDay 2019. They collected over 200 pledges!

What's Required?

An email address and the desire to join our movement!

The Great Food Waste Challenge is completely free. Its an email based pledge that is simply counting your vote to reach the goal of halving food waste by 2030. Each month, there is a new topic (ie. Measuring food waste, Using Your Freezer, Party Planning, Packing lunches for Kids and Adults, etc) and the email sent out contains simple, actionable, and mostly inexpensive tips for how to take action on that sub-topic of food waste.

The most important part of The Challenge is that it’s doable. We get that not everyone wants to exfoliate with their coffee grinds or pulverize their eggshells back into flour (though those are super cool zero waste efforts that we wholeheartedly support).

Sound pretty good to you? Sign up below with your email!

Don’t forget to add yourself to our Facebook Group! where you can share your zero food waste journey, ask questions, or your own tips + tricks. We aim to facilitate a productive and engaging conversation centered around food waste issues and its larger implications on our environment, economy, and well-being as a society.

The Great Food Waste Challenge