Curried Kabocha Galette

- Vegetarian
Why we love it:
- 1 pound Kabocha Squash (or butternut or other orange, see Culinary Skills)
- 1⁄4 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil (divided)
- 11⁄2 teaspoons Kosher Salt (divided)
- 1 teaspoon Curry Powder
- 1 Shallot (or small red onion)
- 1 Pie Crust, Prepared (9”- 12” round, look for a frozen or refrigerated one)
- 1⁄4 cup Sour Cream
- 1⁄2 cup Manchego Cheese (or parmesan)
- 4 cups Spring Mix Salad Greens
- 3 Tablespoons Salad Dressing
Cooking Instructions
If using a whole squash, trim the stem end just a bit to remove it and make a sturdy flat surface. Flip the squash over onto that flat side, and slice off a chunk or wedge that will be easier to work with - on a kabocha squash, this will be about ⅓ of the rounded side, don’t slice through the middle - it will be too much. On a butternut, this might be just the long thin neck part of the squash.
Use a vegetable peeler to remove most of the skin and any tough, woody nubs on the outside. Some skin can remain, it is edible.
Use a sharp knife and slice the squash into thin strips - aim for about ¼” slices, really thin. They can be any length and shape as long as they are a similar thinness. Place on a baking sheet, toss with 1 teaspoon olive oil, ½ teaspoon salt, and 1 teaspoon of curry powder. Place this in the oven.
Peel and slice the shallot into thin half moons.
Open the pie crust and gently unroll it onto a clean work surface. Gently roll over the outer 1.5” of the crust to soften it up; just use a water glass or water bottle if you don’t have a rolling pin handy. Press lightly! You aren’t trying to roll it out much, just take the chill off and give it some flexibility.
Drizzle the bottom of a clean baking sheet with about ½ teaspoon of olive oil. Lift and transfer the pie crust to the pan, centering it.
Spoon the sour cream into the center of the crust and smooth it out evenly, leaving 1 ½ inches bare.
Grate the cheese and sprinkle ¾ of it on the bottom over the sour cream.Remove the squash from the oven and add the onion to the pan. Toss it together gently. If you have time to let this cool, it is easier to form the pie; room temperature is ok or you could pop it in the fridge for 10 minutes. If not, hot works but don’t burn yourself.
Use tongs, a fork, or your fingers to layer the squash around the sour cream. Try to fill in the spaces and evenly layer the onions and squash.
Hold a 2 or 3 inch side of the pie crust and fold it up and over the edge of the squash pile. Press on top and near the edge with the pan to help it hold the fold over. Move clockwise to the next section of the pie crust and fold it up. It will make a little pleat over the first section. Repeat around the “clock” until you get to the last section. When you fold the last piece up, both pleats will be on top - this is ok - or if you’re a perfectionist, tuck one pleat to the inside to keep up the pattern. Press down all around to enforce the folds.
Sprinkle the rest of the cheese on top and move it to the oven. Bake for about 20 - 25 minutes or
until the crust is golden and squash is tender. -
Toss lettuces with dressing to taste.
Remove galette from oven and slice into 6 or 8 slices. Serve warm or hot with a side salad.
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